
In recent years, as AI technology has achieved great success in the field of natural image analysis, AI-based surgical image analysis has also attracted more and more attention from researchers. Surgical image analysis is close related topic to ICPR, and is very important area in the ICPR community, because surgical image analysis is essential for the quickly developed surgical assistance and autonomous surgical robot domains. Surgical image analysis has its unique characteristics compared with other image analysis tasks, like analysis for natural images, face images, or document images. The development of surgical image analysis methods requires special designs w.r.t. the surgical image content and structure. There are also increasing studies that adapt pretrained models for natural images to surgical image analysis. We believe organizing such a workshop can attract researchers in the related area to improve the methods and techniques of other domains and design new methods to solve problems in surgical image analysis. This Artificial Intelligence for Surgical Image Analysis (AISIA) workshop will be held at ICPR2024 during December 1st-5th, 2024 at Kolkata, India.

Call for papers

We invite submissions presenting new and original research on topics including but not limited to the following:

  1. Self-supervised/semi-supervised/supervised surgical image enhancement, segmentation, and classification methods
  2. Self-supervised/semi-supervised/supervised surgical flow recognition methods
  3. Visual pretraining for surgical image analysis
  4. Adaptation of pretrained (multi-modal) models for surgical image analysis

Paper Submission Instructions

Submission and Review

ICPR-2024 will follow a single-blind review process. Authors can include their names and affiliations in the manuscript. Also, the authors can submit their arXiv papers in ICPR-2024.

Submission website: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/AISIA2024

Paper Format and Length

Springer LNCS format with maximum 15 pages (including references) during paper submission. There is no minimum page limit. To take care of reviewers’ comments, one more page is allowed (without any charge) during revised/camera ready submission. Moreover, authors may purchase up to 2 extra pages. Extra page charges must be paid at the time of registration.

Springer LNCS paper formatting instructions and templates for ICPR-2024 are available here DOC and LaTeX.

Supplementary materials

By the submission deadline, the authors may optionally submit additional material that was ready at the time of paper submission but could not be included due to constraints of format or space. The authors should refer to the contents of the supplementary material appropriately in the paper. Reviewers will be encouraged to look at it, but are not obligated to do so.

Supplementary material may include videos, proofs, additional figures or tables, more detailed analysis of experiments presented in the paper. There is no page limit for the supplementary materials but only one file with maximum file size of 50 MB is allowed for submission.

We encourage (if possible) authors to upload their code as part of their supplementary material in order to help reviewers assess the quality of the work.

Important Date

Note: Each paper must be registered and presented on-site by an author/co-author at the conference.

Invited Speakers



Contact: Prof. Hu Han, hanhu[at]ict[dot]ac[dot]cn